Outdoor Education Wildlife

Access to Outdoor Education: BOW

A few years ago, I had the privilege of participating in a unique program sponsored by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Known as BOW, Becoming an Outdoors-Woman, this program is an annual weekend long opportunity for women to gather with other women and take classes of their choosing related to the outdoors. Everything from driving boats, backing boat trailers, fishing, bowfishing, canoeing, kayaking, firearms (classes for every kind), bird watching, archery, hunting, tracking, trapping, plant identification, orienteering, and much more was offered for an

Breakaway Roping Horses

The Family That Ropes Together: Misty Matthews

Misty Matthews loves rodeo. A rodeo mom, wife, competitor, and rodeo secretary, she is no stranger to the fastest sport on dirt. 

Growing up in Franklin, Tennessee, Misty enjoyed a rural lifestyle. Her father rode bulls when he was younger and their family always had horses. They also kept busy with their farm and side burley tobacco operation.

Horses Tie-Down Roping

The Family That Ropes Together: Daryl Matthews

When you first talk with Daryl Matthews, a few things immediately stand out. He has a pleasant demeanor, he is proud of his family, and he sure loves to rope calves.

  This passion for calf roping has been a lifelong journey and has turned into a shared family dream, with his two daughters, Bailey and Kyla both enjoying roping. While Bailey now has a separate career, Kyla continues to pursue breakaway roping and was recently named world champion at the International Finals Rodeo 54 in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Rodeo is in their blood.

Breakaway Roping Horses

The Family That Ropes Together: Kyla Matthews

Kyla may be the youngest of the Matthews family, but her wisdom and skill set in the breakaway roping far surpass her years. With her mother a barrel racer, her dad a calf roper, and her sister a breakaway roper, she grew up with no shortage of horsemen (and women) to learn from. When she was 3 years old she started riding, and at 5 years old began running barrels. While she was interested in the roping, she had trouble swinging a rope because she was so little, so she stuck with the barrels instead.

Breakaway Roping Horses

The Family That Ropes Together: Bailey Matthews

Bailey Matthews was born into rodeo. Since she started riding and being involved with rodeo at a young age, she doesn’t remember a time without it. The oldest daughter of Daryl and Misty Matthews of Athens, TN, Bailey is a breakaway roper like her younger sister Kyla. Her dad calf ropes, her mom has calf roped (and barrel raced), and their whole family shares a love and talent for the sport.

Breakaway Roping Horses Tie-Down Roping

Preserving the Family Tradition: Cassie Chapman

Cassie Chapman’s voice is full of love and thankfulness when she speaks about her family, her husband, and her roping. A tough breakaway roping competitor and current Director of Breakaway Roping for the International Pro Rodeo Association (IPRA), Cassie is no stranger to the IPRA or the world of rodeo.

  In fact, she is a third-generation rodeo athlete, with her grandparents on both sides being involved with horses.

Horses Tie-Down Roping

The Rope Horse Man: Zeb Chapman

For LaFayette, Georgia’s Zeb Chapman, horses have always been a family affair. From growing up with his dad deeply involved in the horse and roping world, to roping with his sister, and now through continuing the family tradition with his own roping, horse training, and marriage to breakaway roper Cassie Chapman.

Fishing Wildlife

Erin Weaver: The Female Fisherman

Erin Weaver is a testament to hope. After having her life flipped upside down, she discovered new pieces of joy that fit together into a puzzle of peace. The central theme: fishing.

   Several years ago, Weaver was living in Wilmington and working as a registered nurse. She had a fiancée, a house, and a thriving career–what many would consider to be the picture of a successful life. All of that changed in July of 2019, when she became affected by Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS). This diagnosis and the ensuing daily symptoms led to intense transition, from leaving work and becoming a person with a disability, to having to sell her house and seeing her engagement come to an end.

Breakaway Roping Horses Tie-Down Roping

East Coast Calf Ropers: Tori and Robbie Murdock

Tori and Robbie Murdock are a North Carolina calf roping power couple whose dedication to quality competition, advocacy, and community education is well known along the East Coast. 

Respectively from Villanow, Georgia, and Statesville, North Carolina, they make their home together in Statesville but spend plenty of time burning up the rodeo road as competitors in the Southern Rodeo Association (SRA) and the International Pro Rodeo Association (IPRA).

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